Daily Archives: September 7, 2016

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James Oconnell

JamesOconnellIf we were to emulate an illustrator the unique style of UK-based artist, James Oconnell, would be on top of that list. The illustrator, digital artist and art director uses color and lines with his unique fingerprint as the basic elements in each design piece. He mostly finds inspiration in books, films, and music and believes that ‘less is always more’ when it comes to the creative process. On an interview Photoshop Tutorials he says this about himself:

“I’ve worked freelance, in-house and agency-side as a designer, storyteller and brand thinker since 2007. During this time I’ve had the chance to expand my passion through the craft of brand identities, online solutions, integrated marketing campaigns and illustrations for a variety of clients – clients who almost always become my friends. I’m currently head of design at an agency through the day – Creative Spark and by night I operate under the alias of Jamesp0p, which I have done so since leaving college so many, many years ago.”

You can see more of his work on his website, Facebook, Behance and Dribble.

Images: Courtesy of James Oconnell.

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