Category Archives: Illustration

Clare Curtis

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Admiring the work of UK printmaker and illustrator, Clare Curtis. She produces limited edition prints using a variety of traditional print making methods. Of her work she writes: “The structure and pattern in plant forms is a recurring theme of my work. I enjoy drawing and studying from nature; a process that allows a complete understanding of the subject and its habit.”

Images: Courtesy of Clare Curtis.


Jazmin Velasco


If you have read Jane Austen’s books you should be familiar with the quotes illustrated on these linocut prints created by artist, Jazmin Velasco.  Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, Jazmin studied graphic design, illustration, oil painting and printmaking. She is inspired by the works of Jose Guadalupe Posada and Saul Steinberg. Would certainly love to hang these graphic prints in my library.

Images: Courtesy of Jazmin Velasco.


Alizée Lafon

AlizeeLafonWould like to see a few of these “Movies Hipster Kit” posters on my wall. They are the creations of French film maker and graphic illustrator, Alizée Lafon. Liking the retro feel and minimalistic approach of the iconic objects from each film. You can follow her here on Tumblr and purchase her prints on Curioos.

Images: Courtesy of Alizée Lafon.

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