Daily Archives: January 4, 2017

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Kate Kato

Kate Kato is a sculptor, craftsman and collector who created these beautiful sculptures using recycled materials and natural dyes. Her intricate work is inspired by plants, insects and found objects and sold under the banner, Kasasagi Design. In her own words she writes:

“I have always been fascinated by the natural world; a love instilled in me at a young age, and documenting what I discover has become my main motivation for creating my work. As a child I spent a lot of time collecting bits and pieces in tins or boxes which I would take with me on walks through parks or countryside.”

“I work mainly with paper as this is a medium I have loved and used since I began my creative practice, however I also use wire, thread and fabric. When I moved from creating 2D work to 3D it seemed like a natural progression to continue using paper and its properties lend themselves well to the plants and insects I like to create. I use a range of techniques to create my work including carving, wire work and embroidery. I love the changes in colour and texture created by the variety of materials and techniques I use, helping to make the sculptures more lifelike. I also use watercolours to add colour and patterning to the sculptures as well as selecting appropriate pages from the books and magazines I collect.”

The artist can be followed on her website, Facebook and Instagram. Her work can be purchased here on Etsy.

Images: Courtesy of Kate Kato.

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