
Andrea De Santis

Andrea De Santis is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in the center of Italy.  After graduation at the Art School, he started working as graphic designer in several fields, such as toys, apparel, and communications. Illustration has always been his dream and decided to dedicate himself to this line of work with clients from various publishers and communication agencies.  On Gestalten he says this about his illustration methods:

“Mostly I work with paper and an F pencil initially, and then use an HB pencil to clean the drawing. From there, I scan the drafts that work the best and do the coloration on Photoshop, as well as any additional changes that might be necessary to give to the client an idea of the color palette and style that I will use for the final piece. After we’ve agreed on an illustration, I proceed to trace my sketch on Illustrator. Adding details and shading the image with flat colors, I bring everything to Photoshop to apply textures, shadows, and effects such as lights and reflections as needed before finishing each piece off with small details to bring it all together.”

You can follow the artist on his website, Behance, and Instagram.  Some of his pieces can be purchased in his Curioos shop.

Images:  Courtesy of Andrea De Santis.

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