Category Archives: Painting

Andy Wooldridge

Andy Wooldrige is an established Canadian artist born in Egypt and raised in England.  He completed four years of formal training at Southhampton College of Art and Design.  Glowing whites and contrasting soft deep blacks are central dramatic elements in his work.  On Kurbatoff Gallery he says this about his work:

“I treat my canvas like a stage set, with simplified shapes and forms, deliberately placed to produce an artificial landscape. I try to convey the feeling we have when watching the curtain rise in a darkened theatre auditorium, when, for that brief moment, we suspend disbelief and allow ourselves to be transported into an alternative reality.”

More of his work can be viewed here on his website.

Images:  Courtesy of Andy Wooldridge.

Shane Drinkwater

Shane Drinkwater is a contemporary artist, who studied Fine Arts in Hobart, Tasmania and Sydney. He completed a fellowship in Paris and spent 6 years working in France. Presently he lives and works on the Gold Coast.  He uses a system of lines, dashes, numbers, and circles that reads as a mysterious coded system.  In his own words he writes:

“Painting is something I’ve always needed to do and I’m enjoying it more and more: it’s the joy of putting colour, shape and gesture on a surface. I’m interested in the “making”! 

“I delve into the act of painting with a minimum repertoire of visual elements aiming for a maximum visual intensity. Ideas and images appear through the making of the work, language becomes unnecessary, I let the work speak for me.”

The artist can be followed on his website, Facebook and Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Shane Drinkwater.

Georgina Warne

Georgina Warne creates animals and birds, handmade in stoneware or porcelain.  She is a ceramicist and printmaker and often combines both practices as well as hand painting directly on to the clay.  She draws her inspiration not only from the British countryside but from folk art, folk songs and poetry as well. On her website the UK-based artist states that she is “drawn by details, qualities and subtle colors”.

More of her work can be viewed here on her website.

Images:  Courtesy of Georgina Warne.

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