
Dinh Truong Giang

We know very little about Vietnamese paper artist Dinh Truong Giang.  He studied architecture in Viet Nam and has been designing origami since 1998. Currently he lives in Virginia.  This highly experienced artist uses a technique called wet folding when constructing his work.  Wet folding is done by dampening the paper surface to allow it to be more malleable to curves and to making distinct features.  On an interview with Combustus he says this about his work:

“I do not create complex designs with hundreds of folds. I strive for simple and elegant design. ”Less is More” for me. One of my favorite quotes: “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”  ~Antoine de Saint Exupéry.”

More of his work can be found here on his website.

Images:  Courtesy of Dinh Truong Giang.

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