Jessica Drenk

JessicaDrenkAdmiring the sculptures and wall installations of Florida-based artist Jessica Drenk. The artist uses a variety of mass produced materials such as pencils, books, toilet paper, pvc pipes to create these incredible organic shapes. Her artist statement found in Galleries Urbane clearly explains her intent:

“My work is a response to, and experimentation with, materials. My inspiration comes from nature; I am constantly amazed by the diversity and beauty of the forms and patterns in nature. We often think of our immediate surroundings as being “man-made”, but man-made materials still behave according to the same principles as the natural world-they come from nature. Because nature is based on patterns and principles of organization, I look for man-made materials that might be manipulated according to similar patterns and principles.”

Images: Courtesy of Jessica Drenk.

Crispin Finn

CrispinFinnCrispin Finn is the design studio of London-based graphic designer, Anna Fidalgo and contemporary artist, Roger Kelly. Together they create illustrations and designs in their signature colors of red, white and blue. Their screen-printing studio in Margate is where they create from start to finish calendars, posters, greeting cards and assorted retail products. Their rise in popularity has enabled them to work on a variety of personal and commercial projects as well. The striking series of celebrated cocktails is what brought them to our attention.

You can follow them on their website, Facebook and Tumblr.

Images: Courtesy of Crispin Finn.

Valeria Molinari

ValeriaMolinariValeria Molinari is a Venezuelan illustrator and designer who loves typography, color and words.
This combination can be seen in her unique embroidery that shows her love for simple graphics, type setting and hand lettering.

Her website is currently under construction but you can find her on Instagram, find her portfolio here on Mica and you can purchase some of her work in her Etsy shop, Pocket Size Dreams.

Images: Courtesy of Valeria Molinari.


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