Mops Design

JoannaChomka-JaworskaLiking the simple, contemporary graphics on these porcelain ware from Polish design and manufacturing studio, Mops Design. The studio is a collaborative effort between ceramist/designer, Joanna Chomka-Jaworska and architect, Arkadiusz Jaworski. Here’s what was written in Culture.PL regarding working as a couple:

“In the end there is one voice, coming out of hours of conversations and discussions. At the beginning each of us has his or her own opinion and we defend in any possible way, but with compromise in mind. When we manage to reach it, we both work on the concept. The most important thing is that in the end the product should be convincing for us and well-made at every level.”

Images: Courtesy of Mops Design and Meble.PL.

Iris Tsante

IrisTsanteThese colorful and whimsical jewelry pieces are the creations of Greek artist, Iris Tsante, who transforms colored pencil nubs into these contemporary designs. She says of her work:

“I consider jewelry as a process of exploring ways to define the senses of “beauty” and “value” in reference to memories of significant objects and the subsequent human/social connections related to them. It is a dialectic process since it involves the direct or non-direct communication between maker, wearer and viewer. My pieces provide connotations of optimism, lightness, simplicity, joy and innocence, revealing on the same time qualities such as fragility and vulnerability. They often are characterized by a “mischiefing” tendency, sometimes in harmony with the qualities of the original materials and sometimes making contradicting statements upon more “formal” and “serious” symbols of the western dress code.”

Images: Courtesy of Iris Tsante.


TattlyLove this simple holiday DIY project from Brooklyn-base company, Tattly, who produces non toxic temporary tattoos designed by professional artists. Found this particular project on their blog. The tattoos are temporary but can be made permanent using a clear sealant on the globes. The blank glass ornaments can be purchased at your favorite hobby store and Tattly’s tattoo collection can be purchased here on their website.

Images: Courtesy of Tattly.

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