BusWould be nice if there were more available funding for functional creative projects like this bus stop in Baltimore, MD. The letter shapes of BUS allow passengers to assume different comfortable positions and the letter ‘B’ provides handicap-accessible shelter making all the waiting passengers part of the art. The project is a collaboration between Spanish collective designers, mmmm and Creative Alliance of Baltimore. You can read more about the project here at Creative Alliance.

Images: Courtesy of mmmm.

Tales from the Desk

TalesFromtheDeskLove this handmade stationery line sold under the brand name, Tales from the Desk. Each item is created based on their original rubber stamp designs. Saw this line and had a “why didn’t we think of that” moment. We’ve had these moments a lot since starting this blog. Anyway, you can follow them on their website as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

Images: Courtesy of Tales from the Desk.

(Studio) Imeus

IMEUS(Studio) Imeus was set up in 2006 by UK graphic designer, illustrator and poster artist, Anthony Peters. On the studio info he writes: “The idea initially was to indulge the creative work that couldn’t be done at the day job, however it soon became impossible to juggle the two and in 2011 Studio Imeus became a full time hobby…”  Follow his work on the studio website or here at Tumblr.

Images: Courtesy of (Studio) Imeus.


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