Ophélie Trichereau

Admiring these hand embroidered solar system created by French illustrator and textile designer, Ophélie Trichereau. She studied at Pivaut School in Nantes and is currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland.  This self-taught embroider uses embroidery thread and enhances her pieces with stones, seed and crystal beads. 

You can follow the artist on Facebook, Behance and Instagram.  Some of her work is available for purchase in her Etsy shop.

Images:  Courtesy of Ophélie Trichereau. 

Tina Kraus

Tina Kraus is a freelance paper artist and illustrator based in Munster, Germany.  About two years ago she started making paper sculptures of flowers and then progressively introduced  insects to her repertoire.  She sculpts with crepe paper and adds details with pastel chalks and paint to painstakingly create these incredibly realistic insects.

More of her work can be found on her website, Behance and Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Tina Kraus.

Rod Nelson

Rod Nelson is a self-taught master printmaker based in Gloucestershire, UK.  We are so admiring his recent woodblock prints of waterfalls that we just had to post his work.  More can be said about him but we prefer to hear words from the artist himself: 

“I have, for my whole life, worked with wood and that has undoubtedly helped me with some aspects of woodblock printmaking. Although I have been making woodcuts for many years now, I am still continually excited by the potential of this ancient medium. Woodcut makes images that simply can not be made in any other way. It sits on the boundary between art and craft – and anyone making woodcuts will quickly experience the delights and terrors of both.”  – Interview from Print Day in May

More of his work can be found on his website and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Rod Nelson.
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