

Patrik Svensson

Love the simple aesthetics of Sweden-based graphic designer and illustrator Patrik Svensson. Much of his work show his passion for art, movies and music. One of our favorite series is his flippable drawings that show two sides of the same story. On an interview with The Raw Book he gives us a glimpse of himself:

“I was born and bred in a small village in the south of Sweden. After having studied lots of different subjects and spent some years at dead-end jobs, I finally managed to build up enough confidence to explore the creative business professionally. Since a few years back, I work full time as a freelance illustrator, primarily in the publishing and advertising industry.”

“One summer some years ago, I worked as a freight forwarder. The job consisted of pressing a key on your keyboard, type some numbers in a blank field on the screen, and then press another key. After having done that 200 times a day, I saw my future dissolve in front of my eyes. One morning on my way to this hell, I came across an ad for a graphic design class. I applied, was admitted and finally started to breathe again, so that would probably be the defining moment–realizing life is too short to not do things that make you spark, basically.”

You can follow the artist on his website, Facebook and Instagram.

Images: Courtesy of Patrik Svensson.

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