Monthly Archives: May 2019

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Ulla-Stina Wikander

Over the years Swedish designer Ulla-Stina Wikander has collected cross-stitch embroideries to create new covers for vintage everyday objects.  To date she has produced over a hundred different designs. She explains her concept as follows:

“In 2012 I started to cover ordinary household items from the 70s, like a vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, electric mixer etc. I find it interesting to see how these objects transforms in a new context; the obsolete, the things we do not want any longer, the old and forgotten things. They become artifacts from a begone era, disguised, camouflaged and dressed. I give them a second life and although I cut the embroideries into pieces, I think they look very beautiful, when they have been ‘dressed up’.” 

You can view more of her work on her website and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Ulla-Stina Winkander.

Sim & Zou

Sim and Zou are two French artists based in Nancy, France.  The duo, Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann, are best known for their installations using primarily their favorite material, paper. In reviewing their projects we found this incredible handmade font created with thread and paper. Weave Type 2 was made with 550 yards of thread and required about 6 hours per letter.

You can see their first weave font and paper projects on their website and on Behance.

Images:  Courtesy of Sim and Zou.
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