
Ulla-Stina Wikander

Over the years Swedish designer Ulla-Stina Wikander has collected cross-stitch embroideries to create new covers for vintage everyday objects.  To date she has produced over a hundred different designs. She explains her concept as follows:

“In 2012 I started to cover ordinary household items from the 70s, like a vacuum cleaner, sewing machine, electric mixer etc. I find it interesting to see how these objects transforms in a new context; the obsolete, the things we do not want any longer, the old and forgotten things. They become artifacts from a begone era, disguised, camouflaged and dressed. I give them a second life and although I cut the embroideries into pieces, I think they look very beautiful, when they have been ‘dressed up’.” 

You can view more of her work on her website and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Ulla-Stina Winkander.

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