Present & Correct

Present&CorrectPlanning to order a few items from this London online stationery retailer, Present & Correct. The shop sells their own designs as well as new and vintage items from around the world. Particularly loving the vintage and vintage-inspired objects as they fire up distant memories of simpler times, certainly a nice diversion from this digital world.

Images: Courtesy of Present & Correct.

Javier de Riba

JavierdeRibaAmazed at these hand painted floors created by Barcelona born artist and designer, Javier de Riba. To create the tile-like patterns the artist applies spray paint in layers using a mask to block out colors. He creates these brightly colored geometric patterns primarily in floors of abandoned buildings but has also created custom designs as well. This would certainly be a prodigious weekend project.

Images: Courtesy of Javier de Riba.

Marie Liebhardt

MarieLiebHardtAppreciating this concept of finding beauty in deterioration. “Flaws” is a collection of vases created by French designer, Marie Liebhardt. The collection highlights irregularities in the metal used or irregularities in the peeling of the porcelain from the mold. The simple ceramic shapes draw us further to the beautiful textures created.

Images: Courtesy of Marie Liebhardt.

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