Monthly Archives: March 2015

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BurkatronFound this great weekend project from the blog Burkatron and we can’t wait to try it. Just need cement mix, sand, water, two round plastic containers, soil and your favorite succulents, of course. The complete tutorial for this industrial planter can be found here on Caroline Burke’s blog.

Images: Courtesy of Burkatron.

Johanna Härmä

JohannaHarmaAdmiring the work of Finnish designer/illustrator Johanna Härmä. Love the bold and colorful illustrations clearly inspired by her Scandinavian background. She writes this about her inspiration:

“My work is inspired, primarily, by random daydreaming, things I see when walking around, nature, music and my hometown, forests and lake house in Hämeenlinna, Finland.”

Images: Courtesy of Johanna Härmä.

Cari Mateo Repeat Pattern 3

150322BlogAll designs:  © Cari Mateo.  All rights reserved.

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