Monthly Archives: March 2015

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Leonardo Fortino

LeonardoFortinoCoveting these Land Lamps created by Italian designer, Leonardo Fortino. This series of lamps uses three dimensional characters and objects to relate a story. The fiberglass lamps can be purchased individually or in groups. Particularly liking the house on top of a hill-shaped shade.

Images: Courtesy of Leonardo Fortino.

Cari Mateo Repeat Pattern 2


We are focusing on patterns and paper goods for our designs.  Some of the patterns can be used for fabric as well.

All designs: © CARI MATEO. All rights reserved.

Baptiste Debombourg

BaptisteDebombourgOur niece introduced us to this incredible on-site installation created by French sculptor, Baptiste Debombourg. The artist uses many layers of reclaimed material, glass, wood, nails and white paint to mimic a flood of rushing water. The site-specific installation was created at the Abbey Brauweiler in Germany. In his artist statement he writes about his projects:

“All my projects are somehow related to aspects of human relationships: our mistakes, our doubts and desires, as well as perceptions we each have of our own realities. My work explores the nature of our psychological relationships with objects, looking for the potential space between reality and the ideal model we aspire to achieve.”

Images: Courtesy of Baptiste Debombourg.

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