Monthly Archives: April 2015

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Lynn Tomlinson

LynnTomlinsonCan’t fully appreciate these incredible clay paintings by interdisciplinary artist, Lynn Tomlinson, until you’ve watched the mesmerizing short film for which they were adapted. The artist wrote the lyrics to the film and created the clay on glass animation, “The Ballad of Holland Island House”. Here’s what she writes about the project:

“I came across the haunting image of a house standing alone in the water in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. Reading more about this house, I was struck by its story, and its relevance today, when so many communities are facing challenges from sea-level rise. The images I chose and the visual style reflects the artwork of Winslow Homer, VanGogh, and Kathe Kolwitz, artists working in the late 1800’s, the time period when the house on Holland Island was abandoned.”

Images: Courtesy of Lynn Tomlinson.

Igor Morski

IgorMorskiIntrigued by the surreal illustrations of Polish artist and graphic designer, Igor Morski. His work is so excellently rendered and so realistic that it appears to be a spellbinding photograph. The surreal master takes you to unbelievable and sometimes unnerving situations. You can view his portfolio on his website and also here at Behance.

Images: Courtesy of Igor Morski.

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