Monthly Archives: April 2017

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Sarah Neubert

Admiring these woven jewelry created by Colorado-based fiber artist, Sarah Neubert, whose work includes wall hangings, household items and wearable art pieces. In her profile she says this about her work:

“My weaving practice is a search for balance and presence; I use it to explore the complexities of everyday life and the hidden patterns in the natural world. I approach my work as a collaboration with unique natural fibers that speak to me about what they want to become.”

You can see more of her work on her website and on Instagram.

Images: Courtesy of Sarah Neubert.

Marcello Velho

Marcello Velho is an England-based graphic artist known for his experimental and ambiguous compositions. Our attention, however, is focused on his masterful floral abstractions. Wish we could find more information about these designs and the artist but for now we should just view and admire his work.

You can follow the artist on his website, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram.

Images: Courtesy of Marcello Velho.

Yumi Umeda

We often browse the Japanese market site, Minne, and regularly find great hand crafted items.  The embroidered items shown above is the work of Yumi Umeda and sold under the brand, YumYumYum. There’s very little biography on the artist but she has worked as an illustrator for books and magazines.

You can follow her on her official website, Creema, and Minne.

Images: Courtesy of Yumi Umeda.

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