Monthly Archives: April 2020

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Nosigner (Anything)

Admiring the package design created for ‘Maekake’ apron brand, Anything.  Maekake is a traditional style of Japanese apron worn by craftsmen and shop staff since the 15th century.  It is why the design studio, Nosigner, created their design together with the craftsmen of the last “ichi-gō maekake” manufacturing factory.  The original design for the packaging had difficulty being recognized as an apron.  Nosigner printed on rice bags, with legs illustrated to fit under the miniature design version of the apron. In this way the different designs can be easily seen and at the same time see how it is worn.

More of Nosigner designs can veiwed on their website. You can follow apron brand, Anything, here on their website.

Images:  Courtesy of Nosigner and Anything.

Budi Satria Kwan

We have very little information on Indonesia-based illustrator, Budi Satria Kwan.  The full time artist works from his home and focuses mainly on self-initiated illustrations.  His singular designs are either surreal or simple and colorful.  Known also as Radiomode on the internet, he is one of the most prolific and popular t-shirt artist in the world.The artist can be followed on his website and Gramho.  Some of his products can be purchased on Society 6 and Design by Humans.

Images:  Courtesy of Budi Satria Kwan.


Iven Kawi is the Jakarta-based baker behind these culinary masterpieces.She is known for her 3D flower petals and beautiful cacti designs on cakes.  She started baking very young as both her mother and grandmother are traditional bakers.  In 2014 she and her husband established and co-managed their artisan bakery, Ivenoven.

More of her creations can be viewed on Facebook and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Ivenoven.

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