Category Archives: Bloom

Makoto Azuma

MakotoAzumaWould love to have viewed this exhibition of “Iced Flowers” created by Japanese botanical artist, Makoto Azuma. The artist encases the exotic floral bouquets in massive blocks of ice and temporarily frees them from decay. This seemingly immortal state changes as the ice slowly melts and the flowers wilt and rot. He writes on his website:

“This exhibition presents “ICED FLOWERS”, a work to observe the changing life of flowers that are locked in ice. Flowers will show unique expressions that they do not display in everyday life, by placed under such a different environment.”

Images: Courtesy of Makoto Azuma.

Passionflower to Wear

PassionFlowertoWearThese living jewelry are the creations of Susan McLeary, owner and designer of Ann Arbor floral design studio, Passionflower. The pieces are made from live succulent florets on brass jewelry bases. They last from 1 to 3 weeks and the bases can be returned for a refill at any time. The succulent blooms can also be removed for planting is so desired. Susan writes about her fascination for the passionflower as follows:

“The passionflower plant has fascinated me since the first time I saw it growing on a stone wall in Matera, Italy years ago. With it’s wild tendrils and exquisite star shaped blooms, it has an other-worldly quality unlike any other flower I’d seen. 

It inspires me because it’s as beautiful as it is unusual, inviting you to take a closer look. The uncommon quality of the passionflower speaks to the design aesthetic that I love: textural, luxurious, and a bit untamed- incorporating unexpected garden plants, herbs, and blooms, arranged with a modern sensibility.”

The living jewelry can be purchased in her Etsy shop, Passionflower to Wear.

Images: Courtesy of Passion Flower to Wear.

Alice Mourou

Relishing this alphabet hand crafted from natural flowers and used as part of an interactive project. This beautiful work is attributed to Moscow-based digital art director, Alice Mourou. You can see all of the blossom type  here in her portfolio.

Images: Courtesy of Alice Mourou.

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