Category Archives: Crochet

Blog Break

HangInThereTaking a short blog break. See you in December.

Photo: © Cari Mateo. All rights reserved.

Kyoko Sato


Really liking these handmade bags and storage baskets from artist/creator, Kyoko Sato. Found them on Japanese handmade market site, Iichi. The bags are posted as fine knit but the stitches look like crochet. In any case we love the colors, the leather accents and the fabric-covered button embellishments.

Images: Courtesy of Kyoko Sato.

Susanna Bauer

SusannaBauerIt takes intense concentration and exceptional needlework skills to create these amazing miniature art pieces. That gentle touch belongs to UK-based artist, Susanna Bauer, who uses natural found objects as a canvas and embellishes them with crochet. She says this of her work:

“My work begins with a walk. I find a leaf, a piece of driftwood. I take it home. Its new life begins.”

Images: Courtesy of Susanna Bauer.


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