Category Archives: Sculpture


BusWould be nice if there were more available funding for functional creative projects like this bus stop in Baltimore, MD. The letter shapes of BUS allow passengers to assume different comfortable positions and the letter ‘B’ provides handicap-accessible shelter making all the waiting passengers part of the art. The project is a collaboration between Spanish collective designers, mmmm and Creative Alliance of Baltimore. You can read more about the project here at Creative Alliance.

Images: Courtesy of mmmm.

Walter Martin & Paloma Munoz


Mesmerized by the surreal scenes depicted in these snow globes created by Pennsylvania-based artists, Walter Martin and Paloma Munoz. The dreamlike moments are frozen in time but contemplating a tenable story for them might be endless. Curious to see future creations from this compelling couple.

Images: Courtesy of Walter Martin & Paloma Munoz.


Yoshiko Minagawa


Discovered these intricate glasswork on Japanese artist index and web magazine, Panorama. The artist, Yoshiko Minagawa, uses the lampwork glass technique to create these fantasy sculptures and miniature insects. Primarily self-taught she mastered her techniques by attending workshops and training camps abroad and by repetitive practice.

Images: Courtesy of Yoshiko Minagawa and Panorama.

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