Category Archives: Sewing

Nadya Sheremet

NadyaSheremetNadya Sheremet is a freelance artist and illustrator living in Russia. She also creates these dolls with intricate embroidery accents labeled under the brand, “Family Toys”. Wish we could tell you where the dolls can be purchased for we would certainly be first in line to acquire them. You can follow the artist on Facebook and see more of her work on Behance.

Images: Courtesy of Nadya Sheremet.


Omohena2We found these delightful denim dogs on the the online handmade market, Minne. We don’t know the designer/creator but we do know that they are sold under the Japanese brand, Omohena. They also produce these dogs using a variety of fabrics and create dog beds as well. You can follow their work here on Facebook.

Images: Courtesy of Omohena.

Renilde de Peuter

Renilde-de-PeuterWhile looking for crochet projects we found these circular potholders on the Japanese online store, Uguisu. They are the creation of Belgian textile artist and crafter, Renilde de Peuter, who shares much of her work in her blog, At-Swim-Two-Birds. Color and design elevates these simple utilitarian objects into a product with strong aesthetic appeal.

Images: Courtesy of Renilde de Peuter.

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