Category Archives: Surface Design

Javier de Riba

JavierdeRibaAmazed at these hand painted floors created by Barcelona born artist and designer, Javier de Riba. To create the tile-like patterns the artist applies spray paint in layers using a mask to block out colors. He creates these brightly colored geometric patterns primarily in floors of abandoned buildings but has also created custom designs as well. This would certainly be a prodigious weekend project.

Images: Courtesy of Javier de Riba.

Cari Mateo Repeat Patterns – 12

150521ABlogAll designs:  © Cari Mateo.  All rights reserved.


RaindanceRight now umbrellas are the farthest things on our minds here in California. However, the print designs on these umbrellas are so unique that we had to share. RainDance is a London-based umbrella design company founded by Sujata Sagrani, who started the company because she couldn’t find an umbrella she liked in a country where the climate is predominantly rain. We’re anxious to see new designs from this recently established company.

Images: Courtesy of RainDance.

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