
Studio Takeuma

StudioTakeumaThese sketches are the works of Kyoto-based illustrator, Takeuma. We are focusing today on his sketchbooks but the artist is generally known for his cartoon-style editorial and his upbeat look on life. We found a few of his ideas regarding illustration and the tools he uses on an interview with Designboom:

“To create a successful illustration it is necessary to focus on the one central idea you want to express. consequently, I try remove everything that may cause confusion – it’s always an editing process, seeing how much to take out and how much you need to keep to get the right balance.”

“Most of the time (I use) just pencils and a sketch book, then computer. sometimes pens, paints and craft knives. I do not have any preference on what materials I use it all depends on the piece I’m working on and what I’m hoping to achieve.”

Website, Flickr, Tumblr and Behance.

Images: Courtesy of Studio Takeuma.

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