
Tracy Wilkinson

Admiring the hand made ceramics created by British designer Tracy Wilkinson. Currently living in Los Angeles, Tracy is the founder of TW Workshop that carries a collection of ceramics, one of a kind furniture, home accessories, and soft cotton t shirts. On an interview with A Piece Apart she talks about her inspiration and her list of rules:

“It’s hard to pinpoint unusual sources because I am always looking at everything and not always connecting how that inspiration will come out in my work. I work with natural materials, and the forms I make are quite organic so most of my inspiration comes from the natural world. On the flipside of that I am also inspired by large industrial machinery, like the machines used in a quarry and hugely inspired by NASA and space rockets.”

“I don’t have a ton of rules, because I would always break them. I have a few I try to keep: Be creative every day, hug my dogs as much as possible, be kind to myself and others, dance as much as possible, don’t be ashamed of watching the telly, keep a tidy workspace, pick funny people as friends and make lists.”

You can see more of her work and purchase her items in her website.

Images: Courtesy of Tracy Wilkinson.


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