Monthly Archives: February 2015

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Jenny Wallmark

JennyWallmarkParticularly loving the color palette of illustrator and designer, Jenny Wallmark.  She is the founder of Wallmark Form Studio, a design company based in Sweden. In her design page on Swedish online shop, Confident Living, she describes her work as follows:

“My design is often a playful mannerisms, with imaginative forms and exciting color combinations but sometimes also simple and unadorned. A design or pattern that I design for a child might as well fit an adult and vice versa! I hope people are happy and feel at ease when they see my design.”

Images: Courtesy of Jenny Wallmark.

Tomáš Pernický

TomasPernickyRarely do we turn our backs on city posters as we love to travel. The appealing illustrations above are the works of Czech-based illustrator and graphic designer, Tomáš Pernický. Happened to have stumbled upon his work in his Etsy shop, Tomas Design. He writes this about his illustration style:

“I became fascinated by the style of the 50s and 60s of the last century. It’s a simple graphical illustration with a lot of peace and quiet.”

Images: Courtesy of Tomáš Pernický.

Teresa Lim

TeresaLimSingapore-based illustrator and textile designer, Teresa Lim, takes home a part of the country she visits with these awesome embroidered souvenirs. Incidentally, we like her embroidery embellishments on those canvas shoes as well. Her design philosophy is to join together her love of illustration, embroidery and surface pattern design. She also writes poetry, particularly favoring this insight from her blog:

“For the farther I travel, the closer I am to myself.
And thats what matters the most to me.
I believe it’ll be okay.”

Images: Courtesy of Teresa Lim.

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