Monthly Archives: June 2015

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Makoto Azuma

MakotoAzumaWould love to have viewed this exhibition of “Iced Flowers” created by Japanese botanical artist, Makoto Azuma. The artist encases the exotic floral bouquets in massive blocks of ice and temporarily frees them from decay. This seemingly immortal state changes as the ice slowly melts and the flowers wilt and rot. He writes on his website:

“This exhibition presents “ICED FLOWERS”, a work to observe the changing life of flowers that are locked in ice. Flowers will show unique expressions that they do not display in everyday life, by placed under such a different environment.”

Images: Courtesy of Makoto Azuma.

Cari Mateo Repeat Patterns – 13

150604ABlogAll designs:  © Cari Mateo.  All rights reserved.

Present & Correct

Present&CorrectPlanning to order a few items from this London online stationery retailer, Present & Correct. The shop sells their own designs as well as new and vintage items from around the world. Particularly loving the vintage and vintage-inspired objects as they fire up distant memories of simpler times, certainly a nice diversion from this digital world.

Images: Courtesy of Present & Correct.

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