Daily Archives: May 1, 2020

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Jane Ormes

Applauding the art and product designs of printmaker Jane Ormes.  The Bristol-based artist studied Surface Pattern Design at Leicester Polytechnic,  has been a freelance designer since then and in 2004 has focused primarily on screen printing.  She has exhibited in many galleries and her clients include Marks and Spencer, John Lewis and Ikea.  On an interview with Love Print Studio she says this about her creative process:

“I work primarily in collage. I make marks, textures and patterns and then cut and arrange them until I am happy with a composition. Quite often I’m inspired first by a phrase or sentence and the image comes second. Once I’m happy with my image I then create stencils for the screen printing stage. Each colour must be separated out. It’s sometimes the most laborious element of the process. Those stencils are then exposed onto a screen and the printing begins!”  

The artist can be followed on Facebook and on Instagram.  Some of her products can be purchased here in her Etsy shop.

Images:  Courtesy of Jane Ormes.

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