Category Archives: Craft

Yofukashi Drawer

Yokufashi Drawer is the brand name for this charming line of ceramic brooches.  The brand name refers to a drawer that is full of finished products after working late at night. The brooch is made by pressing a handmade eraser stamp into clay.  The silhouette of flowers are then painted giving the piece an old world quality.  

You can follow this brand on Instagram.  Their shop is located on Japanese sites, Minne and Creema.

Images:  Courtesy of Yokufashi Drawer.

String Art

Found this awesome threaded stars hanging decor on the German blog, 180 Grad Salon.  The author gives you tips on hotels, restaurants, shopping, hiking and other experiences on the beautiful island of Mallorca.  Her gorgeous photographs make me want to visit.  She also has a few DIY projects in her blog that includes complete instructions. Thought we would work on this project and perhaps advance to making mandalas and parabolic designs also pictured above.

180 Grad Salon can be found here, Facebook and Instagram. Full instructions for the hanging decor is here.

Images:  Courtesy of 180 Grad Salon and other sources.

Moleskine Planner Project

It’s still pretty cold out there so you may want to stay in and give your Moleskine planner an embroidered cover.  We found this project and the full instruction on the blog, What’s Next? by yukiko.

The designer and maker is Japanese illustrator, Yukiko Otsu.  She graduated from Sheridan College for Computer Animation in Canada and also completed a 3-year Interpretive Illustration course.  She started as an illustrator, then expanded a variety of art like digital art, blogging, sewing, knitting, crochet, fashion and any decorative art you can think of.  

You can follow the artist on her website, blog and Facebook.  She has shop on Society 6 and on Etsy.

Images:  Courtesy of Yukiko Otsu.

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