Category Archives: Illustration

Noma Bar

NomaBarNever tire looking at the graphics of Israeli-born artist, illustrator and designer, Noma Bar. His style is a condensed approach employing a few shapes and lines and using a minimum amount of color. Noma states his style best he’s, “after the maximum communication with minimum elements”. You can follow him here on Facebook and see more of his work here on Dutch Uncle.

Images: Courtesy of Noma Bar.


(Studio) Imeus

IMEUS(Studio) Imeus was set up in 2006 by UK graphic designer, illustrator and poster artist, Anthony Peters. On the studio info he writes: “The idea initially was to indulge the creative work that couldn’t be done at the day job, however it soon became impossible to juggle the two and in 2011 Studio Imeus became a full time hobby…”  Follow his work on the studio website or here at Tumblr.

Images: Courtesy of (Studio) Imeus.


Ryo Takemasa

RyoTakemasaThese great renderings were created by Japanese illustrator, Ryo Takemasa. The Tokyo-based freelance artist has produced a number of illustrations for books, magazines and advertising. You can see more of his works on his website and on Behance. Some of his prints are available here at Society 6.

Images: Courtesy of Ryo Takemasa.


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