Category Archives: Installation/display

Gail Rieke


We were first attracted to the wall of suitcases filled with found objects relevant for the work of assemblage artist, Gail Rieke. The collage, assemblage, installation artist, teacher, and world traveler lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico and is internationally recognized. We love her travel journals and souvenirs stored in a variety of vintage cases. Visit her website to see more views of her studio and assembly work.

Images: Courtesy of Gail Rieke.

Katy Ann Gilmore

KatyAnnGilmoreVisual artist Katy Ann Gilmore was originally from the Midwest but now lives and works in Los Angeles. She is influenced heavily by topography and the relationship between 2- dimension, perpendicular plane and their distortions into 3-dimensional space. On an interview with artist Lisa Congdon she says this about her process:

“I typically use Pigma Micron pens (usually size 005 for small drawings, and sizes 01 and 02 for larger ones). I’ve also been using watercolor, gouache (although I typically end up using the gouache in a wash-y way like watercolor), marker, or bottled ink. Depending upon the type of drawing, I may sketch a few things out, but I usually just let the drawing develop as it goes. This has been my method for the more topographical/mountain-y drawings. I love the mix of planned vs. unplanned parts in a piece. For these mountain pieces, if color is involved, I’ll sketch out the general idea in watercolor and lay the grid on top. But I welcome the little surprises that happen when drawing the grid. Parts of the drawing will recede, parts will come forward…so sometimes it becomes a bit of an intuitive and reactive process. That rigid/planned vs. unplanned/intuitive mix serves as a good metaphor for my interest in math and art I think.”

You can follow Katy Ann Gilmore on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Images: Courtesy of Katy Ann Gilmore.

Carola Van Dyke

CarolaVanDykeThe ‘textile taxidermy’ collection is the work of UK-based artist Carola Van Dyke. The unique animal heads created with scraps of fabric were successfully launched in 2011. She was later commissioned to create the heads using Liberty signature fabrics.

Images: Courtesy of Carola Van Dyke.

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