Category Archives: Printmaking

Alexandra Buckle

Alexandra Buckle is a reduction linocut printmaker based in Bicester, England.  Reduction linocuts involves cutting and inking several layers from a single linoleum block to create a multi-colored print.  The first color is printed, then the block reduced by cutting away and the second color is printed on top of the first color. The block is repeatedly cut and inked until you have your finished print.  The professional printmaker is impressionistic in style,  colorful, full of light, depth and detail.  Many of her linocuts are woodland themed finding them a constant source of inspiration.   On Jackson’s Art she says this about her use of colors:

“I work from my own photos, so the colours are partly guided by the photo, but generally I find the photos are more helpful in guiding me with the tonal values. The colours are mainly guided from my memory of the scene with a little artistic license added in to create the correct mood! Sometimes once I start printing, the results start to dictate the colour choices and I have to readjust my plan! I normally use 5 or 6 colours in each print. The most I have ever used is 8, but I felt that the piece didn’t really benefit from having more colours.”

The artist can be followed on her website and on Facebook.

Images:  Courtesy of Alexandra Buckle.

Cathy King

Cathy King originally trained as a teacher but has now focused on her earlier interests in painting, drawing and printing. The Devon- based printmaker is inspired by natural environment, in particular the landscape and coastline of Devon. Her chosen print methods are linocuts, collagraphs and monoprints, favoring each of them for their individual qualities. The use of line and form are central to her work and color is used carefully to balance the composition and design of the print. 

More of her work can be viewed on her website and on Facebook.

Images:  Courtesy of Cathy King.

Phil Greenwood

Phil Greenwood was born in North Wales but now lives in Kent, UK.  He was educated at Harrow and Hornsey Colleges of Art and since 1971 has been a professional artist/printmaker. The landscape artist has focused on etching a method of making prints from a metal plate, usually copper, into which the design has been incised by acid. His work has been exhibited internationally and is in both private and public collections.  

You can view more of his work here on his website.

Images:  Courtesy of Phil Greenwood. 

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