Dinara Mirtalipova

DinaraMirtalipovaAdmiring the folk inspired illustrations of Ohio-based artist, Dinara Mirtalipova. The Uzbekistan native is a self-taught illustrator and pattern designer. She writes this about sources that inspire her:

“I find my inspiration in folklore, old songs my mom used to sing to me, fairy tales from when I was little, a wall rug hung above my grandma’s bed, cultures, story telling, textiles and fabrics.”

Images: Courtesy of Dinara Mirtalipova.

Kirsty Elson

KirstyElsonLove these unique seaside driftwood sculptures created by multi-media artist, Kirsty Elson. Her work is heavily influenced by her coastal surroundings in Cornwall and by the worn materials that wash up on the local beaches. You can see more of her beach vignettes, textile designs and paper collages in her blog, Sixty One A.

Images: Courtesy of Kirsty Elson.

Happy Holidays!

HangInThereTaking a blog break…wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season!  See you in the New Year.

Photo: © CARI MATEO. All rights reserved.

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