
Rogan Brown

RoganBrownThese intricate paper sculptures are the works of Anglo-Irish artist, Rogan Brown. He starts each construction by sketching detailed designs and then mocking them up in larger pen and ink drawings. Each piece is composed of layers of paper cut by hand with a scalpel, knife or laser.  Many pieces have taken months of laborious planning, cutting and assembling. In an article on This Is Colossal he says this about his process:

“I am inspired in part by the tradition of scientific drawing and model making, and particularly the work of artist-scientists such as Ernst Haeckel. But although my approach involves careful observation and detailed “scientific” preparatory drawings, these are always superseded by the work of the imagination; everything has to be refracted through the prism of the imagination, estranged and in some way transformed.”

The South of France-based artist can be followed here on Facebook.

Images: Courtesy of Rogan Brown.

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