Category Archives: Illustration

Tammis Keefe

TammisKeefeTammis Keefe was an American textile designer known primarily for creating hundreds of handkerchief designs between 1944 and 1960. She was probably the first designer to initiate
product branding by signing her artwork in the corner of the textiles. You can view more of her
work here at and here at

Images: Courtesy of

Hannah Waldron

HannahWaldronLondon and Stockholm-based multi-disciplinary artist and designer Hanna Waldron is well known for her amazing textile and tapestry designs. We are particularly liking her illustration style based on a grid-base image making process. There’s a rhythm in all her work where you can see the influences of line, pattern, texture and structures of her surroundings.

Images: Courtesy of Hannah Waldron.

Brian Rea

BrianReaDiscovered the illustrations of Brian Rea in the luxury brand online store, Marni, and immediately became a fan of his work. Love the uncomplicated, minimalist and primitive approach to his art as well as the constrained humor expressed. He has produced drawings and designs for a variety of projects including short animations, one of our favorites entitled, “Building Tomorrow”.

Images: Courtesy of Brian Rea.

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