
Mariko Kusumoto

MarikoKusumotoMariko Kusumoto is a metal and fiber artist born in Japan and currently based in Massachusetts. She majored in painting and printmaking but always had a penchant for metal sculpting. Wanting to create with a totally opposite material she chose fabric and created this series of wearable pieces. She molds translucent synthetic fabric into nature-inspired shapes and assembles them into these delicate jewelry. She writes this about her work:

“My work reflects various, observable phenomena that stimulate my mind and senses; they can be natural or man-made.  I ‘reorganize’ them into a new presentation that can be described as surreal, amusing, graceful, or unexpected.  A playful, happy atmosphere pervades my work.  I always like to leave some space for the viewer’s imagination; I hope the viewer experiences discovery, surprise, and wonder through my work.”

The artist can be followed on her website and on Facebook.

Images: Courtesy of Mariko Kusumoto.

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