Tag Archives: #paintings

Michael Muir

We love the simplified forms and flatten planes of color in these paintings by Michael Muir.  The artist was born in Scotland and spent his childhood in South East Asia before settling in Sydney.  He received a diploma both in graphic design and fine arts. He has won the Mosman art prize in 2014 and has been a finalist in several awards over the past decade. Even though he paints landscape most of his work is done in the studio and not “in open air”. On an interview with Design Files he describes his work as follows:

“The emphasis of my work I suppose is autobiographical, yet it’s more than just me, it encompasses my family in the present. I feel like I oscillate between my childhood and the childhood my boys are currently living. I’m trying to see my surroundings in a simpler form. It’s a picture plane that has been flattened, colour dominates the canvas in unusual harmonies. I feel that the narrative element is important in my work, there is a story unfolding that I hope the viewer can incorporate into their own story.”

The artist can be followed on his website and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Michael Muir.

Louis Reith

Loving the geometric compositions of Dutch illustrator/designer/artist Louis Reith. The Amsterdam-based artist create drawings, collages, paintings and installations.  The abstract compositions are linked to his fascination with every aspect of the printed book.  On an interview with LVL3 he says this about his process:

“It really depends on what I’m working on. The source material for my collages is derived from vintage books, in which not only subject and size play a role, but also the printing technique and color. The books are stripped from their covers and subject to observant deconstruction. What remains are loose pages and spreads that are processed, with their actual compositions as a coincidental starting point. It’s really about observing, shifting, thinking and taking time, letting it rest before I make the final decisions.”

More of his work can be viewed on his website and on Instagram.

Images:  Courtesy of Louis Reith.

Donald Sultan

Admiring the abstract interpretation of flowers by painter, sculptor and printmaker, Donald Sultan.  He is known for his large-scale still-life paintings utilizing bold, contrasting colors and play on positive and negative space. The artist was born in Asheville, North Carolina and currently lives and works in New York. He has exhibited widely and his works can be seen in major museums worldwide.

The artist can be followed here on his website.

Images:  Courtesy of Donald Sultan.

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