Category Archives: Accoutrements

Kusa Kanmuri

KusaKanmuriCoveting these amazing oversized scarves from Japanese brand, Kusa Kanmuri. The brand is a collaborative effort between designers Kazuko Takahashi, Yukari Yamashita along with the upscale Japanese boutique, Basco. Really loving the pastiche of contrasting patterns and colors. Be sure to visit their website to see their incredible collection of scarf patterns.  You can also follow them here on Facebook.

Images: Courtesy of Kusa Kanmuri.

Yuko Tobo

YukoToboA friend of mine gifted me with a scarf similar to these but made from vintage kimono fabric.  Been wanting to make one so we’re adding patchwork scarves to our project list. The colorful scarves shown above are the creations of Japanese clothing designer, Yuko Tobo, who also creates a line of bags that can be seen on her website and also here on her blog.

Images: Courtesy of Yuko Tobo.

Iris Tsante

IrisTsanteThese colorful and whimsical jewelry pieces are the creations of Greek artist, Iris Tsante, who transforms colored pencil nubs into these contemporary designs. She says of her work:

“I consider jewelry as a process of exploring ways to define the senses of “beauty” and “value” in reference to memories of significant objects and the subsequent human/social connections related to them. It is a dialectic process since it involves the direct or non-direct communication between maker, wearer and viewer. My pieces provide connotations of optimism, lightness, simplicity, joy and innocence, revealing on the same time qualities such as fragility and vulnerability. They often are characterized by a “mischiefing” tendency, sometimes in harmony with the qualities of the original materials and sometimes making contradicting statements upon more “formal” and “serious” symbols of the western dress code.”

Images: Courtesy of Iris Tsante.

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